Monday, July 1, 2013

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate cancer all begins in the male reproductive organ answerable in the secretion of fluids indispensable to make reproduction attainable. It is in the prostategland that the cancerous cells begin to form. In the event that it has formed a growth, it makes it tough for the prostate to perform its purpose. Since only men have the prostate gland, they are the only ones affected with this type of cancer

Just like all types of cancer, there are a lot of prostatecancer treatment options that a patient can look into. Here are some:


This is likely the most popular of all cancer treatments. Surgery is also practical in prostatecancer. In this procedure, the cancer has already produced a tumor and through surgery, the growth is removed in order to prevent it from progressing in size and spreading to close parts. In later cases, the whole prostate is actually separated.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is another treatment that can be used to prostate cancer. This includes the exposure of the region of the prostate organ to radiation in order to cease it from spreading. This procedure can be done either externally where the region is unclothed to Radiation or internally where Radiation seeds are placed.

Hormone Therapy

The use of hormones is also advised as treatment in prostate cancer. Supported by study, the male hormone known as testosterone has been a factor in accelerating the development of the growth. Hormone therapy takes effect by decreasing the production of this hormone in order to hinder the progress of the prostate cancer

These prostate cancer treatment options are administered to the patient depending on the condition. It can be utilized alone or in combinations. It is best to consult the doctor and do an complete evaluation before taking such treatments. This will ascertain which method will be most effective.

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