Friday, May 17, 2013

Prostate Cancer in Men

Cancer of the prostate is deliberated as one of the most well-known types of cancer among men. Prostate cancer commonly develops in a rather sluggish manner and is initially confined to the prostate gland. This location of the cancer cells does not generally cause severe harm. These cancer cells behave differently; some develop gradually and may need least management and treatment, while other types are belligerent and spread rapidly.

Cancer of the prostrate arises in the prostate gland of a man. Men's prostate is generally a small gland that mimics a shape of a walnut and is located just inferior to the bladder. The prostate synthesizes the fluid (seminal fluid) which nourishes the sperm and aids in its transport.

Most prostate cancer propagates gradually, slowly and is contained primarily within the confines of the prostate gland, but it can metastasize to neighboring local lymph nodules, or further distant regions even to the bones. Some uncommon kinds of this type of cancer are a lot more hostile and spread fast. Successful treatment of prostate cancer is mostly attributed to its early detection; that is, while the cancer is still confined to the prostate and has not yet metastasized to other organs.

Cancer of the prostrate ranked number 3 as the record common reason of cancer mortality in men; men under 40 years old are rarely diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Men who are thought to be at greater risk comprise:

  • Men of African-American origin
  • Men aging 60 and above
  • Men with family history of cancer
  • Exposure to carcinogens
  • Alcohol abuse
  • High animal-fat diet
  • Exposure to cadmium

Many possible factors are linked to acquiring prostate cancer such as:

  • Age: This is well-thought-out as the main risk element. The risk of acquiring this type of cancer increases with age.
  • Genetics: Researches show that African-American men are more likely to acquire cancer of the prostrate compared to other racial groups.
  • Diet: A study on men exclusive to a diet rich in red meat shows an increased probability of getting cancer of the prostrate; while those men in a high-vegetable diet to include soy and green tea are known to have lesser odds of developing the disease.
  • Medication:Various studies claim there could be a connection between the regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs and prostate cancer. Statins, which are used to decrease levels of cholesterol, may possibly lessen a person's danger of acquiring cancer.
  • Obesity: Most patients diagnosed with prostate cancer are found to be obese. There are numerous researches that show the relation between obesity and cancer. The incidence of metastasis of the cancer cells is also higher in people who are obese.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Men with history of gonorrhea were found to have an increased chance of acquiring cancer of the prostrate.

Treatment of prostate cancer is determined by stage of the cancer and how rapid the cancer develops. Treatment options are usually radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Having been diagnosed with cancer is not only physically challenging but also emotionally tiring. Support systems play a great role as part of the management of prostate cancer.

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