Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Huge Cost Savings With Prostatectomy Abroad

What is Prostatectomy?

Prostatectomy is the surgical removal of the entire or a part of the prostrate gland. Excision of the prostate is required for patients suffering from cancer of the prostate, obstruction of urine flow due to benign enlargement of the gland ( which is common among half the men above the age of 60 years and the incidence increases significantly as age progresses) and occasionally in cases of prostrate bleeding and bladder calculi causing kidney damage.

Prostatectomy Procedures

Prostatectomy is conducted using different techniques namely supra pubic prostatectomy (i.e. through an incision above the pubis), perineal technique (i.e. through the rectum and scrotum), transurethral technique (i.e. through the urethra, using a cystoscope and other technology) and laparoscopic technique (i.e. conducted through small incisions on the abdomen and using a laparoscope). All the procedures are conducted under general anesthesia. The technique used depends on the medical status of the patient, age, urgency and underlying pathology.

Post operative care after prostatectomy

Post operative hospitalization is required in most cases which would range from five to seven days, with complete bed rest for the first 24 hours. Emphasis is laid on refraining from strenuous work, eating a healthy diet and drinking lots of water, to hasten recovery. Complete recovery may take about four to six weeks. Favorable outcomes are observed in about 90% of the patients, though the success depends upon the procedure/technique that is used for conducting prostatectomy.

Complications after prostatectomy

Some patients may experience post operative complications like pain and discomfort during urination, incontinence of urine, bleeding, inability to perform sexual functions and secondary infections. Though most of these complaints resolve within a few weeks after the prostate surgery, it is best to inform the doctor and take his advice. Prostatectomy will limit the patient's ability to have children in the future, though it would not affect the sexual functions significantly.

Going Abroad for Surgery

With advances in healthcare and emerging technologies, several international destinations abroad, including India, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey and Jordan provide cheaper and more comprehensive medical care solutions for patients requiring prostatectomy abroad.

Author is a content writer and health tourism management expert. In this article author discuss about various international locations for low cost prostatectomy abroad. For more information visit http://www.medicaltourismco.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Albert_Grant

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