Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is Laparoscopic Prostatectomy the Best Choice?

In the United States, there are approximately 2 million men who have experienced and survived prostate cancer. This group includes African Americans, agricultural workers and those exposed to asbestos and cadmium

Prostate cancer occurs in a gland the size of a walnut located in the male reproduction system. The prostate gland coils around the urethra leading the the male bladder. Prostate cancer ranks as the 3rd highest cause of death due to cancer in men. While this condition most often effects men aged 75 and older, it can in rare instances as age 40.

When the prostrate gland becomes enlarged, the condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. While the actual cause is yet to be determined there are certain contributing factors such as high fat content in the diet and elevated testosterone levels in the blood stream.

In most cases, treatment first begins with testing and monitoring with or without medications. One of the first tests is a PSA (prostate specific antigen). If further testing rules out PSA, a biopsy is performed to confirm the condition and to monitor the possibility of the cancer spreading to other nearby organs.

There are various treatments recommended and pursued to combat prostate cancer. The first consideration is not prostate cancer surgery. Traditional surgery requires an incision which can result in the risk of nerve damage. During a laparoscopic prostatectomy several small incisions are made using special laser tools which can result in very few risks and often a same day surgery situation.

The Prostate Clinic, treatment and complete care for all the diseases and conditions which affect the prostate, urinary and reproductive system. Please visit our website at

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