Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Possibility of Prostate Cancer Survival by Changing Lifestyle

Prostate cancer survival rate has increased due to the constant research going on to find cures and preventive measures for prostate tumor. However, a patient can live longer by other methods. These methods refer to prognosis, which is possible even at the metastatic state. Even changing the lifestyle that is food habits and inculcating exercise as a part of daily routine.

The use of vaccine has proved effective in restricting the growth of tumor after treatment, which helps in prolonging the prostate cancer survival period. Moreover, vaccines help in breaking down the tumor, which eliminates the chances of further recurrence of the disease. However, the longevity of life after the disease also depends on other factors like age and family history.

Besides, these two factors the other important factors that affects the life span of a patient after contacting the disease is, diet, ethnicity, obesity, and the stage at which the detection of the disease has taken place. Mostly you will find that patients whose cancerous cells have not penetrated beyond the prostate have higher chances of survival.

Therefore, if a person suffering from prostate tumor wants to increase the chances of survival, he should adopt all the necessary steps required for curbing the recurrence of the disease after the treatment. The patient should follow the restrictions throughout life and follow the routine check up procedure.

However, sometimes a patient loses hope as most of his organs, situated in and around the prostate develop problems, especially the rectum area and the urinary bladder. Moreover, the sexual ability of the patient decreases as during the process of the treatment and after the treatment he develops erectile dysfunction. This prostate cancer impotence can be temporary or permanent.

Prostate cancer impotence depends on the type of treatment adopted for treating the disease. Observation shows that surgery and removal of prostate glands leads to permanent erectile dysfunction. However, it is not an established fact as nowadays various methods of surgery are available, which helps in removing the affected parts without harming the nerves that carry the blood to the penis.

Besides surgery, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy can also cause prostate cancer impotence. However, the level of erectile dysfunction is higher in radiation therapy and this problem can last for a longer time in this mode of treatment, but in hormonal therapy, the period of erectile dysfunction is lesser.

Therefore, if any person is suffering from prostate cancer tumor he should not lose hope as proper treatment, change in lifestyle and implementation of restrictions will surely help you to overcome the problem. Moreover, the growth rate of this disease is very slow, which is another factor that helps in increasing prostate cancer survival rate.

More interesting stuff on Prostate Cancer Survival and similar subjects is available at OnProstateCancer.com. You will also be in the right place for all Prostate Cancer Impotence queries and related matters. Click on a link now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Kelsey

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